PJP Consulting
PJP Consulting

International experience

  1. Advised the Australian Energy Market Commission regarding international experience regarding blackouts and black-start practices, and the potential impact of high levels of renewable generation on black-start capability.

  2. Review of utility expansion programs in a restructured environment:  Planning of the Mexican Power System is changing as a result of the Constitutional Energy Reform in 2013 and its secondary legislation in 2014.  According to the new legal framework, the roles of the authorities (Sener and CRE) have been redefined as well as the role of the former electric utility CFE.  The work included reviewing the descriptions of these new roles and identifying the main challenges that CRE faces in complying with its new responsibilities.

  3. Reviewed the generation black-start practices of the Australian Electricity Market: Reviewed proposed planning assumptions and market rules for establishing black-start generation by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). The work included detailed review of the AEMO’s current practices and prosed changes, comparison with international practices, and recommendation regarding the assumptions used for determining system black-start generation requirements, the minimum qualifications for black-start generation, and means to determine sub-regional boundaries for setting black-start requirements.
  4. Performed an independent review of the Sarawak 27 June 2013 blackout: The Electrical Inspectorate Unit of the Sarawak Ministry of Public Utilities engaged DNV GL to carry out an independent investigation of this blackout. DNV GL reviewed public documents, blackout reports and data, practices and actions and conducted interviews and site visits. The final report presented our review and findings regarding the blackout and system restoration.
  5. Evaluated the impact of renewable generation (photovoltaic and wind) on the islands of Saipan. The system was evaluated to determine the impact of high levels of renewable energy generation. The impact on the transmission system was also studied. The amount of storage required was studied for Tuvalu.
  6. Performed a prefeasibility study of interconnecting St. Kitts–Nevis and Puerto Rico via HVDC cable: The study was made for the Organization of American States evaluating the technical and economic of interconnecting these two, separated by nearly 300 miles. Bathymetric data and charts were used to identify feasible routes. Cable equipment and installation costs were estimated and HVDC terminal costs developed. Economics compared the costs of geothermal generation on Nevis with the avoided cost of generation on Puerto Rico. In addition, several possibilities for an AC connection between St. Kitts and Nevis was also developed.
  7. Evaluated the impact of renewable generation (photovoltaic and wind) on the islands of St. Thomas/St. John and St. Croix. Specific project connection studies were made in addition to identifying a maximum level of renewables that could be safely integrated into the islands.
  8. Reviewed and revised the operating practices of Singapore electric system to deal with increased frequency excursions due to increased amounts of distributed generation and photo-voltaic generation and potential fuel supply disruptions. The work involved dynamic stability analyses of the Singapore electric system.
  9. Reviewed fault current mitigation practices to recommend an approach appropriate for Singapore with their geographically compact system with an all-underground transmission system. The work involved short circuit analyses of the Singapore electric system.
  10. Reviewed the Safety and Reliability Standards applicable to the Mexican National Electric System (SEN) operation.
  11. Reviewed transmission planning standards and criteria: Provided a report for the Australian Energy Market Commission Reliability Panel on the transmission reliability standards used in different electricity markets around the world to ensure consistency across multiple jurisdictions and/or transmission networks.
  12. Advanced technical system support for ISO: Technical team leader for an ISO’s 10-Year plan. Lead the technical study effort and wrote the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) 2006-2015 transmission plan.. The work involved stakeholder involvement and coordinating with AESO technical staff and state regulators.
  13. Reviewed the reliability of a major Canadian city’s transmission reliability: Studies of past operations and disturbances were reviewed to identify areas of improvement in both planning and operating practices of the utilities involved.
  14. Evaluated the impact of photovoltaic generation on the small island nation of Niue. Studies identified maximum level of renewables that could be safely integrated into the islands and mitigation options suitable for system.
  15. Transmission plan review: Reviewed the technical studies, criteria and results of the transmission plans developed by the New Zealand system operator, TransPower. The proposed plan and alternative plans were assessed for consistency with good utility practice. The review evaluated data and assumptions, methods and tools, and planning criteria.
  16. High-level technical system support for ISO: Provided support in developing procedures and improvements to increase export capability from Alberta to British Columbia for the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). The work involved working with AESO staff and stakeholder groups to identify and rank potential technical and procedural solutions, reviewing various proposed options, and acting as a liaison between the stakeholders and the AESO, and preparing a report of the activities and conclusions reached.
  17. Transmission project review for ISO: Provided a review of technical studies and needs for the Montana-Alberta Transmission Line project. This is a proposed merchant transmission project. The work involved directing and reviewing technical studies of the proposed project; recommending operating limits for the project; and writing the official need application filed with the Alberta Energy Utilities Board.
  18. Transmission congestion analysis: Evaluated the amounts and impacts of transmission congestion in Alberta on behalf of TransCanada Energy. Extensive power-flow analysis was made to evaluate the potential congestion that may occur within Alberta during the next ten years. The work included testimony and appearances before the Alberta Energy Utilities Board.
  19. Impact of restructuring on utility planning and operation: Advised ESKOM (South Africa) concerning the impact of restructuring alternatives on system planning and operation, staffing and data requirements. The work involved reviewing planning and operating procedures, staffing, and regulatory requirements.
  20. Review of scheduling and tie-line control practices: Made a presentation to Chubu Electric Power Company concerning control area practices in the United States. The primary focus of the presentation was on power scheduling and tie-line and frequency control as performed in the U.S.
  21. Generation plan for Dominican Republic: Responsible for providing general system planning consulting services. Assisted the Planning Department of the electric utility of the Dominican Republic in the development of their long-range generation and transmission plan. A special study was made, which evaluated the potential for various non-conventional generating resources. Created a professional development program for the planning department.
  22. Developed a system planning manual for a major Venezuelan utility. The manual included extensive discussions of data, methods, application of models, timing of studies required, and the decision-making criteria to be used. Reviewed planning criteria and methods used in the United States, Mexico, France, and Brazil. Later the manual was marketed to other utilities in Central and South America.
  23. Provided an international benchmark of regional system operators for the Chilean system operator. The work involved comparisons of regional system operators in North America and Europe.
  24. Market design for Asian national system: Developed the market rules for the competitive market in Vietnam. Market rules were developed for a single-buyer market that will serve until reforms are in place to allow progression to a fully competitive, multi-buyer market structure.
  25. Review of system operator’s planning criteria: Reviewed the planning criteria practices and procedures of the Australian National Electricity Market Management Company (NEMMCO). The review included a comparison with international practices in North America and Europe, and recommended improvements to NEMMCO.
  26. Developed market rules for Indonesian power market: Developed the market rules for congestion management and pricing and transmission rights auctions for a competitive market in Indonesia. Market rules were developed for a single-buyer market that will serve until reforms are in place to allow progression to a fully competitive, multi-buyer market structure. The market rules for the multi-buyer market structure were developed under Phase 2 of the project, and included market simulation and development of a transition plan for moving from the single-buyer market structure to the multi-buyer market structure over time.
  27. Review of US market designs: Provided reviews for several European and Japanese utilities regarding the ISO market design, planning, and operating practices of PJM, NYISO, and ISO-NE. The reviews included detailed discussions of specific planning and operating practices and were compared with international practices.
  28. Development of organization for regional market regulator and operator entities in Central America: Advised SIEPAC (formed by utilities in five Central American nations) regarding potential methods of sharing and pricing the proposed interconnection among the member nations. The work also included market design, development of regulatory framework, and transmission tariff design.
  29. Restructuring in US report: Reported on restructuring developments and restructuring activities for a major Japanese utility and manufacturer.
  30. Review of restructuring in the US: Advised European and Japanese utilities regarding implementation of utility reforms and experience of U.S. utilities.
  31. Development of ISO tariff: Advised the transmission administrator of Alberta, Canada concerning the development of their transmission tariff. Issues addressed included definitions of the types of services to offer and development of the costs and prices for those services. Additional advice was provided concerning proposed changes to the legislation affecting the restructured utility industry.
  32. Developed business model for new transmission company: Developed the portions of a business model for the Russian Federal Grid Company. The portions developed included the capital requirements for load growth, retirements, and special projects, and operating costs and losses. The work was integrated into an overall business model for FGC. The work also included a training component for FGC personnel regarding the theory and use of the model.
  33. Transmission restructuring and tariff design: Performed a detailed analysis of the Icelandic transmission system, its costs and customer uses to develop a new transmission tariff to use with a restructured system. The work involved meeting with many stakeholders to evaluated and present different tariff options. A report was prepared recommending a transmission tariff and the describing the impact of various tariff design options.
  34. Evaluation of benefits from forming RTO: Performed a technical and economic study of the potential benefits of forming the proposed East Coast Transmission Organization (ECTO). Study identified the range of potential benefits considering the scope of the regional market, transmission pricing protocol, fuel price variations, and various regional transmission configurations. The study also identified the impact of various transmission rate designs on the individual ECTO members.
  35. Briefing on US utility restructuring experience and practices: Provided briefing and additional background information to a delegation of utility executives from Austria. The project included arranging a series of meetings with key representatives of different power sectors in California to help the delegation understand the newly restructured marketplace.
  36. Open access transmission tariff development: Developed open-access transmission tariffs and evaluated transmission pricing effects. These transmission projects have addressed a variety of transmission pricing, policy, and institutional issues. This work has provided a familiarity with the operating and planning practices of a wide range of utilities and a solid, working knowledge of recent FERC policies.
  37. Review of worldwide restructuring activities: Reviewed the competitive position of electric utilities regarding the potential impact of increasing transmission access and retail wheeling. Provided a detailed briefing on the deregulation and competition experience of utilities around the world for one of the largest utilities in the U.S.
  38. Interconnection contract development: Responsible for reviews and negotiations of interconnection contract terms and conditions as well as reviews of U.S. and international pooling contracts. Assisted and advised a major Venezuelan utility in the development of an interconnection agreement with the three other utilities in the country. Included a review of various coordination practices of utilities in the United States and throughout the world.
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