Advised the Australian Energy Market Commission regarding international experience regarding blackouts and black-start practices, and the potential impact of high levels of
renewable generation on black-start capability.
Review of the proposed Boardman-Hemingway 500 kV transmission project: The 500 kV project has been proposed by Idaho Power Company as part of
their 2013 biennial integrated resource plan (irp). The review focused on the key variables that may affect proposed project’s justification.
The review shortcomings in the irp that could delay or eliminate the need for the Boardman–Hemingway 500 kV project
Review of Tri-State reliability claims regarding the need to operate the Nucla Station power plant: The review focused on Tri-State claims regarding reliability problems
that could occur during the planned upgrade of the Montrose-Nucla-Cahone 115 kV transmission line to 230 kV. The review compared Tri-States claims with their internal studies and
nerc Planning Standards.
Review of utility expansion programs in a restructured environment: Planning of the Mexican Power System is changing as a result of the Constitutional Energy Reform in 2013 and its secondary
legislation in 2014. According to the new legal framework, the roles of the authorities (Sener and CRE) have been redefined as well as the role of the former electric utility CFE. The
work included reviewing the descriptions of these new roles and identifying the main challenges that CRE faces
in complying with its new responsibilities.
- Developed transmission plans for the PJM 2014-5 “open window”. Transmission plans were developed for an independent transmission developer. Plans were evaluated for
system problems identified by PJM across the entire PJM footprint. The work included powerflow, production-cost (Promod), and stability studies.
- Reviewed the generation black-start practices of the Australian Electricity Market: Reviewed proposed planning assumptions and market rules for establishing black-start
generation by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). The work included detailed review of the AEMO’s current practices and prosed changes, comparison with international practices, and
recommendation regarding the assumptions used for determining system black-start generation requirements, the minimum qualifications for black-start generation, and means to determine sub-regional
boundaries for setting black-start requirements.
- Evaluated the transmission system impacts of renewable generation (wind) sites in northern New England on behalf of a wind developer: Reviews and studies were made of the
potential impacts of various wind generation sites in central and southern New England. The work involved reviews of the existing ISO-NE transmission system, planning practices, and ISO-NE connection
studies of other proposed generation in the areas of interest. The final results identified potential wind generation sites that would require minimum additional transmission enforcements.
- Evaluated the transmission system impacts of renewable generation (wind) sites in central and southern New England on behalf of a wind developer: Reviews and studies were made of
the potential impacts of various wind generation sites in central and southern New England. The work involved reviews of the existing ISO-NE transmission system, planning practices, and ISO-NE
connection studies of other proposed generation in the areas of interest.
- Performed an independent review of the Sarawak 27 June 2013 blackout: The Electrical Inspectorate Unit of the Sarawak Ministry of Public Utilities engaged DNV GL to carry out an
independent investigation of this blackout. DNV GL reviewed public documents, blackout reports and data, practices and actions and conducted interviews and site visits. The final report presented our
review and findings regarding the blackout and system restoration.
- Evaluated the impact of renewable generation (photovoltaic and wind) on the islands of Saipan. The system was evaluated to determine the impact of high levels of renewable energy
generation. The impact on the transmission system was also studied. The amount of storage required was studied for Tuvalu.
- Developed reactive plan for Dominion Virginia Power (DVP): Developed a peak and light-load reactive model for DVP. For peak load conditions evaluations of shunt capacitors and
requirements for two new SVC’s were developed. For light load conditions, the work required working closely with DVP planning and operating staff to identify and model light load conditions.
Locations for several shunt reactors were identified to control high voltages under a variety of operating conditions.
- Performed a prefeasibility study of interconnecting St. Kitts–Nevis and Puerto Rico via HVDC cable: The study was made for the Organization of American States evaluating the
technical and economic of interconnecting these two, separated by nearly 300 miles. Bathymetric data and charts were used to identify feasible routes. Cable equipment and installation costs were
estimated and HVDC terminal costs developed. Economics compared the costs of geothermal generation on Nevis with the avoided cost of generation on Puerto Rico. In addition, several possibilities for
an AC connection between St. Kitts and Nevis was also developed.
- Evaluated the impact of renewable generation (photovoltaic and wind) on the islands of St. Thomas/St. John and St. Croix. Specific project connection studies were made in
addition to identifying a maximum level of renewables that could be safely integrated into the islands.
- Reviewed the reliability of a major Canadian city’s transmission reliability: Studies of past operations and disturbances were reviewed to identify areas of improvement in both
planning and operating practices of the utilities involved.
- Coordinated transmission planning review: Performed a review of coordinated transmission plans made by the utilities serving Arizona for the 2012 Biennial Transmission Review.
Extensive reviews of studies, assumptions and criteria, as well as, specific powerflow reviews were made. A detailed report was prepared and public presentations of the results of our review were
made. This review was also performed for the previous biennial review, in 2004, 2006, and 2010.
- Evaluated the impact of photovoltaic generation on the small island nation of Niue. Studies identified maximum level of renewables that could be safely integrated into the
islands and mitigation options suitable for system.
- Assisted a major US utility in developing its regional transmission expansion plan: The work involved extensive powerflow analysis and developing and evaluating various system
expansion options.
- Reviewed and revised the operating practices of Singapore electric system to deal with increased frequency excursions due to increased amounts of distributed generation and
photo-voltaic generation and potential fuel supply disruptions. The work involved dynamic stability analyses of the Singapore electric system.
- Reviewed fault current mitigation practices to recommend an approach appropriate for Singapore with their geographically compact system with an all-underground transmission
system. The work involved short circuit analyses of the Singapore electric system.
- Reviewed 500 and 765 kV transmission plans on behalf of a confidential utility client. The work involved innovative reviews of existing transmission expansion plans.
- Reviewed the Safety and Reliability Standards applicable to the Mexican National Electric System (SEN) operation.
- Reviewed transmission planning standards and criteria: Provided a report for the Australian Energy Market Commission Reliability Panel on the transmission reliability standards
used in different electricity markets around the world to ensure consistency across multiple jurisdictions and/or transmission networks.
- Reviewed transmission system reactive needs for a Major US Utility: Reviewed the transmission system of Oncor serving the Dallas/Ft. Worth area to determine the reactive needs of
the area to support load growth and the potential retirement of local generation.
- Reviewed transmission alternatives for a major Midwestern US utility: Reviewed the need for a proposed new transmission line and evaluated options.
- Generator connection studies for Hawaiian Electric: Performed generator connection studies for several proposed generators located on Oahu and the Hawaiian islands.
- Reviewed transmission plans associated with generator retirements for a major US Utility: Transmission plans developed for Pepco Holdings Inc. regard needed improvements
associated with retirement of major generating units near Washington, DC.
- 500 kV transmission project review for major US utility: Prepared testimony before the Virginia Corporation Commission based on independent studies regarding the need for a
proposed 500 kV transmission line from 502 Junction to Mt. Storm to Meadow Brook and Loudoun County for Dominion-Virginia Power. The work involved technical analysis, needs assessment, system
planning analysis, and extensive review of planning criteria, assumptions, and results.
- Advanced technical system support for ISO: Technical team leader for an ISO’s 10-Year plan. Lead the technical study effort and wrote the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO)
2006-2015 transmission plan.. The work involved stakeholder involvement and coordinating with AESO technical staff and state regulators.
- Developed transmission plans to serve major new wind farms: Transmission plans were developed and evaluated to meet 500-1,500 MW of new wind generation proposed for eastern San
Diego County. The studies considered steady-state, voltage, short circuit, and stability conditions and requirements. Various alternatives were ranked base on technical merit, approximate cost, and
general environmental impact.
- Developed a risk-based methodology to determine critical transmission assets: Worked with transmission owners to identify critical transmission assets to meet NERC Standard
- Transmission plan review: Reviewed the technical studies, criteria and results of the transmission plans developed by the New Zealand system operator, TransPower. The proposed
plan and alternative plans were assessed for consistency with good utility practice. The review evaluated data and assumptions, methods and tools, and planning criteria.
- High-level technical system support for ISO: Provided support in developing procedures and improvements to increase export capability from Alberta to British Columbia for the
Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). The work involved working with AESO staff and stakeholder groups to identify and rank potential technical and procedural solutions, reviewing various proposed
options, and acting as a liaison between the stakeholders and the AESO, and preparing a report of the activities and conclusions reached.
- Transmission project review for ISO: Provided a review of technical studies and needs for the Montana-Alberta Transmission Line project. This is a proposed merchant transmission
project. The work involved directing and reviewing technical studies of the proposed project; recommending operating limits for the project; and writing the official need application filed with the
Alberta Energy Utilities Board.
- Review of transmission system vulnerabilities: Reviewed the system design and operation of a major California utility to identify important system vulnerabilities. The work
involved reviewing vulnerabilities related to Radial transmission lines, Tapped transmission lines, Common structures and corridors, SPS/RAS misoperation, Exposure from bus outages, Aging
infrastructure, Substation bus/breaker and system topology, Sensitive and high-growth load areas, and Voltage/reactive problem areas.
- Generation impact study: Evaluated the impact of a new 800 MW generator at a site in northern Florida for Seminole Electric Cooperative. The evaluation, while considering
powerflow and short-circuit issues, focused on the transient stability of the new unit.
- Review of system operator’s planning criteria: Reviewed the planning criteria practices and procedures of the Australian National Electricity Market Management Company (NEMMCO).
The review included a comparison with international practices in North America and Europe, and recommended improvements to NEMMCO.
- Transmission congestion analysis: Evaluated the amounts and impacts of transmission congestion in Alberta on behalf of TransCanada Energy. Extensive power-flow analysis was made
to evaluate the potential congestion that may occur within Alberta during the next ten years. The work included testimony and appearances before the Alberta Energy Utilities Board.
- Multiple studies of transmission impacts for potential IPP projects: Advised several major national and regional independent power marketers and developers concerning the
availability of transmission to incorporate potential new generating units in the Southeast, Midwest, mid-Atlantic, Southwest, and New England regions of the United States.
- Review of transmission business processes to improve efficiency of operation: conducted a strategic, high-level assessment of major utility functions, systems, and processes and
recommended a game plan for subsequent, more detailed efforts to improve performance and cost management. The project provided an evaluation, information, and industry best practices to assist
utility executives in planning a utility-wide systematic process improvement program, including benchmarking of key processes. The project highlighted initiatives that should result in significant
and measurable reductions in costs and improvements in performance. The work served as an initial assessment and prioritization phase of a multi-phased, multi-year utility effort.
- Distribution planning analysis: Evaluated the transmission and distribution needs for the Town of Belleair, Florida to separate from and reconnect to Progress Energy Florida.
Detailed review of the existing facilities was made and a plan developed to provide independent service to both the town and existing PEF customers who would continue to be served by PEF. Successful
testimony was presented to an arbitration panel. This work was followed by a similar analysis that was made of the City of Apopka, Florida.
- Transmission analysis for wind generation: Performed a review of the bulk power transmission system in New Mexico in regard to the potential development of new generation, both
conventional and renewable. The work involved review of power-flow and other transmission studies as well as engineering judgment. The potential impact of RTO rules regarding issues affecting
renewable generation was also addressed.
- Evaluation of benefits from forming RTO: Performed a technical and economic study of the potential benefits of forming the proposed East Coast Transmission Organization (ECTO).
Study identified the range of potential benefits considering the scope of the regional market, transmission pricing protocol, fuel price variations, and various regional transmission configurations.
The study also identified the impact of various transmission rate designs on the individual ECTO members.
- Transmission planning under an RTO (course): Presented a seminar on transmission planning under FERC Order 2000 to RTO West.
- State commission testimony regarding reliability standards and the justification for new facilities: Prepared testimony and exhibits and evaluated strategic issues in hearings
regarding system reliability before the Delaware Commission on behalf of Conectiv. The work involved an independent review of planning criteria and the application to studies made by and plans
proposed by Conectiv.
- Impact of restructuring on utility planning and operation: Advised ESKOM (South Africa) concerning the impact of restructuring alternatives on system planning and operation,
staffing and data requirements. The work involved reviewing planning and operating procedures, staffing, and regulatory requirements.
- Reviewed transmission plans and alternatives for 765 kV line: proposed by American Electric Power Service Corporation (AEP) on behalf of the Virginia State Corporation
Commission. The proposed lines involved additions to AEP’s 765 kV transmission system in southwestern Virginia that would affect the transfer capability between the Midwest and mid-Atlantic regions
of the country.
- Review of scheduling and tie-line control practices: Made a presentation to Chubu Electric Power Company concerning control area practices in the United States. The primary focus
of the presentation was on power scheduling and tie-line and frequency control as performed in the U.S.
- Support transmission dependent utility in RTO development: Represented and advised the Heartland Consumers Power District on issues related to proposed changes in transmission
pricing by the Western Area Power Administration. The work also included support for part of a related FERC Section 211 filing.
- Impact of IPPs on transmission planning: Acted as an expert witness on behalf of Southern California Edison Company (SCE) regarding transmission planning and operating and the
effect on the ability of IPPs to sell power to SCE.
- Developed purchase-power price projections for both on-peak and off-peak periods with due consideration of seasonal variations for a Midwestern utility. Evaluated the effects of
key variables on the operation of the utility's most important base-load generating units.
- Developed long-range supply plans for two investor-owned utilities in the Midwest: These included a least-cost expansion plan for Missouri Public Service Company and a long-range
capacity expansion plan for the Empire District Electric Company. Expansion plans of several other utilities in the region were also reviewed. The studies reviewed load forecast and supply/demand
options, and recommended expansion plans for the future, balancing the need to minimize long-range revenue requirements with the ability to finance construction programs in the early years of the
plans. The plans also evaluated various non-conventional resources and independent power producer proposals. Testimony was presented to the Kansas State Legislature regarding proposed legislation of
integrated resource planning and the various technical aspects of the legislation.
- Developed several long-range generation expansion plans for the MOKAN utilities: The expansion planning studies developed the pool optimum using linear programming techniques and
evaluated a wide range of generation alternatives. Specific plans were developed using a multi-area production cost model and load flow analyses. The studies recommended future expansion plans
balancing the need to minimize long-range revenue requirements with the ability to finance construction programs in the early years of the plans. Load forecasts, supply/demand options, and various
non-conventional resources and independent power producer proposals were reviewed. The results were presented to both the Kansas and Missouri Commissions.
- Determined capacity credit method for non-conventional resources: Developed a practical and complete method for determining capacity credits for non-conventional generating
resources for the MOKAN Pool. It combined mathematic and theoretic sophistication with the practical use of actual performance results.
- Reviewed the appropriate planning reserve margin for the MOKAN utilities: Special emphasis was placed on the reliability value of the interconnections within MOKAN and between
MOKAN and the "outside." The first part of the study recommended the overall pool capacity margin criteria. The second part of the study recommended the reserve requirements for each of the MOKAN
member companies.
- Individual company planning and reliability reviews: Reviews provided independent evalua¬tions of the practices of the utilities to be used with the press and the state
commissions. Recommendations were made to revise generation planning criteria. Reviews also resulted in modifications of certain internal data collection and reporting requirements. Special emphasis
was placed on the use of transmission systems and the utilities' interconnections.
- Generation plan for Dominican Republic: Responsible for providing general system planning consulting services. Assisted the Planning Department of the electric utility of the
Dominican Republic in the development of their long-range generation and transmission plan. A special study was made, which evaluated the potential for various non-conventional generating resources.
Created a professional development program for the planning department.
- Developed a system planning manual for a major Venezuelan utility. The manual included extensive discussions of data, methods, application of models, timing of studies required,
and the decision-making criteria to be used. Reviewed planning criteria and methods used in the United States, Mexico, France, and Brazil. Later the manual was marketed to other utilities in Central
and South America.
- Wisconsin long-range joint plan: Assisted the Wisconsin utilities with preparation of their Advance Plan 6 report to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. The report
described a study of central dispatch in Wisconsin made by the utilities. Mr. Palermo summarized existing central dispatch systems, power pools, and actual versus projected savings, and discussed the
impact of central dispatch on competition and the impacts of changes to the Clean Air Act.
- Transmission study for IPP: Reviewed the technical and economic transmission requirements for a proposed qualifying facility to interconnect with Virginia Power Company. Also
assisted the IPP with utility negotiations.
- Valuation of power facilities: Reviews were made of the value of existing and proposed future plants on system plans and operations. These included an
evaluation study for the sale of a 1,900 MW power plant to private owners in South America; review of several avoided cost filings related to utility generation expansion plans for utility-owned
units and independent power producers; and a review of the potential costs and benefits for replacing PCB-contaminated equipment in the Nevada power system.