Client/Year |
Job Description |
Western Resource Advocates (2010) |
Prepared testimony before Colorado Public Utilities Commission proceeding concerning the implementation of the Colorado Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act requiring analyzing, evaluating and understanding transmission and reliability issues associated with the retirement of coal capacity in the Denver metro area and replacement of that capacity with lower-emitting resources. |
Arizona Corporation Commission |
Testified in support of the Biennial Transmission Assessment of Arizona utilities evaluating and understanding transmission and reliability and the potential impacts of various renewable technologies.. |
Dominion Virginia Power (2008) |
Prepared testimony before the Virginia Corporation Commission based on independent studies regarding the need for a proposed 500 kV transmission line from 502 Junction to Mt. Storm to Meadow Brook and Loudoun County for Dominion-Virginia Power. The work involved technical analysis, needs assessment, system planning analysis, and extensive review of planning criteria, assumptions, and results. |
Transpower (New Zealand) (2006) |
Prepared expert report filed with the national regulator that reviewed the technical studies, criteria and results of transmission plans developed by the New Zealand system operator, Transpower. The proposed plan and alternative plans were assessed for consistency with good utility practice. The review evaluated data and assumptions, methods and tools, and planning criteria. |
Alberta Electric System Operator (2005) |
Developed the official report and filing with the Alberta Energy Utilities Board providing a review of technical studies and needs for the Montana-Alberta Transmission Line project. This is a proposed merchant transmission project. The work involved directing and reviewing technical studies of the proposed project; recommending operating limits for the project; and writing the official need application filed with the Alberta EUB. |
Progress Energy Florida (2003) |
Reviewed the technical needs to separate and re-integrate two proposed municipal systems from within the existing PEF system. The work involved technical analysis, needs assessment, and system planning analysis that led to a formal report filed for the arbitrators and direct testimony before the arbitration panel. |
Iowa Utilities Board (2003) |
Appeared before the Iowa Utilities Board regarding the jurisdictional demarcation of transmission and distribution facilities for a filing by Interstate Power and Light (IPL). The services evaluated the filing of IPL in regard to the “seven-factor test” established by FERC and as further clarified by the Board in the MidAmerican Energy Company docket SPU-98-12. |
TransCanada (2002) |
Prepared an expert report concerning congestion within Alberta and appeared as an expert witness on behalf TransCanada before the Alberta Energy Board. |
Pacific Gas & Electric (2002) |
Prepared an expert report concerning transmission capability in the WECC with emphasis on California as part of the bankruptcy filing before the Federal Bankruptcy court. |
Seminole Electric Coop. (2000-2002) |
Provided direct and rebuttal testimony before FERC on behalf of Seminole. The testimony addressed transmission-related issues concerning the filing of GridFlorida in response to FERC Order 2000. The Testimony required expertise in the details of the Order and technical expertise regarding market design, congestion management, and system planning methods. |
Virginia Corporation Commission (2000) |
Provided direct testimony on behalf of the Virginia Corporation Commission Staff regarding a proposed 765 kV transmission line connecting southeastern West Virginia with southwestern Virginia. |
Seminole Electric Coop. (1999) |
Provided direct and rebuttal testimony before FERC on behalf of Seminole. The testimony addressed transmission crediting as included in Order 888. The Testimony required expertise in the details of the Order and the Pro-forma tariff as well as technical expertise regarding system planning methods, tools and procedures. |
El Paso Electric Company (1997) |
Provided rebuttal testimony addressing issues raised by the City of Las Cruces, New Mexico, Southwestern Public Service Company, and the FERC staff regarding the manner in which El Paso Electric Company (EPE) determines and applies Capacity Benefit Margin. The testimony also discussed the proposals by witness that EPE be ordered to provide back-up generation for its transmission customers. |
Williams Mullen Christian & Dobbins (1996) |
Determined utility damages due to the outage of a 240 MW qualifying facility. The analysis was the basis for providing testimony in a jury trial. |
UtiliCorp United (1996) |
Reviewed the filing and prepared expert testimony on behalf of UtiliCorp's West Plains Division. The work involved a review of the capacity planning criteria and methods used by Public Service of Colorado, assisted with a review of the case, and prepared testimony before FERC. |
Centerior Energy Corporation (1995) |
Prepared and presented testimony before FERC in support of Centerior Energy Corporation's open-access transmission tariff. The testimony described the proposed function-based zone approach, how the rates are set, and provided extensive examples. The testimony also addressed market-power issues. |
Williams & Connolly (1992) |
Provided consultation and expert testimony on costs associated with a large-scale replacement of PCB- and PCB-contaminated transformers and capacitors on the Nevada Power Company system. |
KPL Gas Service (1992) |
Prepared and presented testimony pertaining to the Missouri-Kansas Power Pool/KPL Gas Service planning activities related to integrated resource planning before the Kansas Legislative Committee on Energy. |
Arizona Public Service Company (1990) |
Provided testimony regarding a state commission accounting order pertaining to Palo Verde 3 Nuclear Plant. Testimony covered past system operating performance, present adequacy conditions relative to other systems, and the outlook for system adequacy for 1990-1994. Reviewed Arizona Public Service Company's past planning practices and criteria. |
Kansas Gas & Electric Company (1989) |
Assisted Kansas Gas & Electric Company in developing rebuttal testimony related to the handling of interruptible load, pooling requirements, and capacity needs and plans. |
Monsanto Company/Port Huron Paper Company/ Morton Salt Company/Law Offices of Albert J. Thorburn (1982) |
Reviewed new steam rates proposed in Detroit Edison Company's rate filing and participated in rate hearings. Presented testimony regarding the determination of generating unit efficiency and the system economics of various operating schemes. Examined ways to correct metering errors at the plant. Analyzed allocation of costs between steam and electric use, and between demand and energy. Presented alternative cost of service calculations to those submitted by the Detroit Edison Company. |
Great Lakes Steel Corporation, Division of National Steel Corporation/ Hill, Lewis, Adams, Goodrich & Tait (1982) |
Reviewed new steam rates proposed in Detroit Edison Company's rate filing and participated in rate hearings. Presented testimony regarding the determination of generating unit efficiency and the system economics of various operating schemes. Examined ways to correct metering errors at the plant. Analyzed allocation of costs between steam and electric use, and between demand and energy. Presented alternative cost of service calculations to those submitted by the Detroit Edison Company. |