- Performed an independent review of the Sarawak 27 June 2013 blackout: The Electrical Inspectorate Unit of the Sarawak Ministry of Public Utilities engaged DNV GL to carry out an
independent investigation of this blackout. DNV GL reviewed public documents, blackout reports and data, practices and actions and conducted interviews and site visits. The final report presented our
review and findings regarding the blackout and system restoration.
- Evaluated the impact of renewable generation (photovoltaic and wind) on the islands of Saipan. The system was evaluated to determine the impact of high levels of renewable energy
generation. The impact on the transmission system was also studied. The amount of storage required was studied for Tuvalu.
- Evaluated the impact of renewable generation on Rarotonga, the Cook Islands. The study evaluated the maximum practical amount of photovoltaic and wind generation that could
reliably be added to the electrical network located on Rarotonga, in the Cook Islands. The analysis required specialized analysis of the impact of wind and solar generation on system operation
and power system simulation. The study examined system performance with renewable energy deployment levels slightly below the 2015 target of 50%. The maximum practical level of renewable energy
deployment was analyzed at both the island level and the feeder level. Steady-state and dynamic simulations of the island grid were performed to analyze power flows, voltages and stability
- Evaluated the impact of renewable generation on Savaii and Upolu, Samoa Islands. The study evaluated the maximum practical amount of photovoltaic and wind generation that
could reliably be added to the electrical network located on Savaii and Upolu. The analysis required specialized analysis of the impact of wind and solar generation on system operation and
power system simulation. On-peak and off-peak scenarios, and sensitivity analysis, were simulated based on the potential RE project locations and sizes. The study examined system performance with
renewable energy deployment levels slightly below the 2015 target of 50%. The maximum practical level of renewable energy deployment was analyzed at both the island level and the feeder level.
Steady-state and dynamic simulations of the island grid were performed to analyze power flows, voltages and stability performance.
- Performed a prefeasibility study of interconnecting St. Kitts–Nevis and Puerto Rico via HVDC cable: The study was made for the Organization of American States evaluating the
technical and economic of interconnecting these two, separated by nearly 300 miles. Bathymetric data and charts were used to identify feasible routes. Cable equipment and installation costs were
estimated and HVDC terminal costs developed. Economics compared the costs of geothermal generation on Nevis with the avoided cost of generation on Puerto Rico. In addition, several possibilities for
an AC connection between St. Kitts and Nevis was also developed.
- Evaluated the impact of renewable generation (photovoltaic and wind) on the islands of St. Thomas/St. John and St. Croix. Specific project connection studies were made in
addition to identifying a maximum level of renewables that could be safely integrated into the islands.
- Evaluated the impact of renewable generation on Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga. The study evaluate the addition of wind and PV resources at three locations---a large solar
site and two sites for wind turbines. The study also evaluated the maximum practical amount of photovoltaic and wind generation that could reliably be added to the electrical network
located. The analysis required specialized analysis of the impact of wind and solar generation on system operation and power system simulation. On-peak and off-peak scenarios, and
sensitivity analysis, were simulated based on the project locations and sizes. The study examined system performance with renewable energy deployment levels slightly below 50%. The maximum
practical level of renewable energy deployment was analyzed at both the island level and the feeder level. Steady-state and dynamic simulations of the island grid were performed to analyze power
flows, voltages and stability performance.
- Evaluated the impact of renewable generation on Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. The study evaluated the maximum practical amount of photovoltaic and wind generation that could
reliably be added to the electrical network located. The analysis required specialized analysis of the impact of wind and solar generation on system operation and power system simulation.
On-peak and off-peak scenarios, and sensitivity analysis, were simulated based on the project locations and sizes. The study examined system performance with renewable energy deployment levels
slightly below 50%. The maximum practical level of renewable energy deployment was analyzed at both the island level and the feeder level. Steady-state and dynamic simulations of the island
grid were performed to analyze power flows, voltages and stability performance.
- Reviewed and revised the operating practices of Singapore electric system to deal with increased frequency excursions due to increased amounts of distributed generation and
photo-voltaic generation and potential fuel supply disruptions. The work involved dynamic stability analyses of the Singapore electric system.
- Reviewed fault current mitigation practices to recommend an approach appropriate for Singapore with their geographically compact system with an all-underground transmission
system. The work involved short circuit analyses of the Singapore electric system.
- Generator connection studies for Hawaiian Electric: Performed generator connection studies for several proposed generators located on Oahu and the Hawaiian islands.
- Transmission plan review: Reviewed the technical studies, criteria and results of the transmission plans developed by the New Zealand system operator, TransPower. The proposed
plan and alternative plans were assessed for consistency with good utility practice. The review evaluated data and assumptions, methods and tools, and planning criteria.
- Generation plan for Dominican Republic: Responsible for providing general system planning consulting services. Assisted the Planning Department of the electric utility of the
Dominican Republic in the development of their long-range generation and transmission plan. A special study was made, which evaluated the potential for various non-conventional generating resources.
Created a professional development program for the planning department.
- Developed market rules for Indonesian power market: Developed the market rules for congestion management and pricing and transmission rights auctions for a competitive market in
Indonesia. Market rules were developed for a single-buyer market that will serve until reforms are in place to allow progression to a fully competitive, multi-buyer market structure. The market rules
for the multi-buyer market structure were developed under Phase 2 of the project, and included market simulation and development of a transition plan for moving from the single-buyer market structure
to the multi-buyer market structure over time.
- Transmission restructuring and tariff design: Performed a detailed analysis of the Icelandic transmission system, its costs and customer uses to develop a new transmission tariff
to use with a restructured system. The work involved meeting with many stakeholders to evaluated and present different tariff options. A report was prepared recommending a transmission tariff and the
describing the impact of various tariff design options.